
Actor-oriented scripting language Mana

Issues, Discussions, Wiki, Doxygen

This scripting language was developed with the aim of developing a character's action using actor model. You can implement the execution engine easily into your computer game program.

What Mana code looks like

actor Mother
int mFlag;
action initialize
mFlag = 0;
action main
request(1, Child::talk);
actor Child
action update
int i;
action talk



Any Linux Distribution

  • cd to <download_path>\compiler
  • make

Building with Cygwin

Building with MSVC

  • Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Community (should work with other versions).
  • Run "Vistual Studio 2022 Command Prompt" from the "Visual Studio 2022" start menu.
  • cd to <download_path>\compiler
  • Open mana.sln

Building with Xcode

  • Install Xcode 8.3.2 (should work with other versions).
  • cd to <download_path>\compiler
  • Open mana.xcodeproj

Running Tests

mana sample/

How to Use

When you specify the source file at runtime, it will compile and execute it.

mana source_file

If you specify the -o option, it will output the compiled binary file.

mana source_file -o binary_file

If you specify the --execute option, it will execute the binary file.

mana --execute binary_file
mana -e binary_file

How to Embed the Virtual Machine

  1. Copy the runner directory to your preferred location in your project.
  1. Add #include "runner/Mana.h" to your code.
  1. Create the VM class and load the program.
  1. Tick the VM.
auto vm = std::make_shared<mana::VM>();
// Tick
while (vm->Run())

